Friday 5 September 2014

Production #1: Walk Towards Camera

Friday 5 September 2014
Our first production of Year 2 was to recreate that generic "cool" theme that's often seen in films and television shows to portray a character in a certain manor.

It all began with us choosing our groups in which we would film individual shots in, at our own location. Most people chose the outside, as it was a sunny day and would be a better backdrop. This would make it look more professional when it came to editing. After watching the 'inspiration' behind our own productions, we then ventured out and experimented with our own walks. 

Myself, Naomi Doddridge, Sam Shaw, Matt Jury, Kim Noot and Chloe Binding all chose a location which was situated not far from college. It was an abandoned road that had a cobbled floor, which made the shot look quite quirky and interesting. 

All Night Long - Walk Towards Camera

When it came to editing, myself and Sam decided to edit together. As it was quite a simple thing to do, we decided to try and make it more enjoyable and put a humour-like twist on it and have the footage in synchronicity with the music. 

I really enjoyed producing this video, as it was quite a fun and light-hearted production to start Year 2 with!

- O

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