Wednesday 17 September 2014

That's The Way To Do It: Website

Wednesday 17 September 2014
Theykey factor for making a website in the media industry is to keep it as simple as possible. Simplicity is definitely key when it comes to showing off your work and attracting potential companies to contact you and maybe offer you jobs so they can use your services. After viewing a number of websites I have decided to talk about Alistair Lane's. I really like the general layout of the whole site and think it attracts the visitors by keeping it simple.

The main feature that is plastered across this whole website is simplicity. I really like how Alistair has kept it classy and sophisticated by having a strict colour scheme and minimal features. There's nothing worse than having a website in which you can't work out the structure. This website has two separate 'rooms' if you like; the main introduction (as above), and the interactive area. This can be viewed by scrolling down the website, and you will come across this:

This section of the website allows you to view Alistair Lane's work in an easy manor. It's crystal clear in terms of content. What I like about this is the thumbnails, which give you an overview of what each particular section will be showing. The camera indicates that this will be his photography work, whereas the music note indicates a song or music production work. A small description below helps the visitor acknowledge a small insight as to what the particular section is showing.

The clarity of this website as a whole is absolutely faultless. The basic colour scheme makes it easy to navigate around, and the text is easy to read and acknowledge. Comparing this site to the one below, I feel like they have similarities that are different. Both have the striking header to welcome the audience to the site, and from here, they scroll down to see the productions and features that are available to click and view.

If I had to pick a second favourite, it would be Pascal van Gemert's. It has similar features to Alistair Lane's but at the same time, is quite different. My favourite aspect of this is the moving header (above) and the way the colour scheme completely flows throughout the whole website.

The yellow and green give the website that professional feel and a crisp, clean finish. The layout of this part of the site is well laid out. With an image in the middle and text either side, it evenly distributes the features so it isn't just a big bunch of text in the middle of the screen. By giving it, what almost looks like, three separate columns, it creates more depth and layers for the site.


Overall, I think it's really important for people in the media industry to keep their websites simple as it creates a mysterious angle for their work. The less people see, the more they want to know. It's the same with everything. By keeping the text simple, and the images monotone, it intrigues people to investigate more. This way, the website designer displaying their work will have more publicity and views.

As well as keeping them simple, they must still be dynamic in order for the audience to be able to remember it, and want to visit the site again. I, for one, actually looked forward to critiquing these two websites as it would give me a chance to really look at them in depth, and how they've structured them as a whole.

- O

{Websites critiqued- &}

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