Friday 1 May 2015

FMP: BTS of The Press Kit for 10.39pm

Friday 1 May 2015
15 second teaser trailer (original and improved):

For my 15 second teaser trailer, I wanted to keep things quite straight forward yet mysterious for the audience. With the title of my film being 10.39pm, I wanted the key focus to be on the time itself, and nothing else.

My set-up for the trailer was pretty simple. One camera, one tripod, a few candles, a clock and a steady hand was all that was needed. I wanted the main focus to be, of course, on the time, and I figured by keeping the camera still for the full 15 seconds, I would then zoom in using Adobe Premier Pro. This way, it would ensure a still frame with a slight incline in terms of closeness and proximity to be clear when viewing.

I had a few doubts about the clock that I was using, as I really wanted to use a vintage clock with all the fancy writing, but the time frame we had to complete this trailer was short, so I had to use the facilities I already possessed. The candles were a last minute substitute for natural lighting as they gave a more spooky and atmospheric feel and look to the film.

In terms of sound for this video, I downloaded all of them from All of them are copyright free and I am allowed to use them. I experimented with a few, but ended up with 2 in total, which is the "Demon Girl song" and "Static" sounds.

Overall, I'm really happy with how this snippet turned out. I think it gives a full insight on what the film will be like, without giving too much away.

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After completing the 15 second teaser trailer, I realised I hadn't included the tagline for my short film: 'the clock is ticking'. This is a key element within the production as it highlights the plot in less than 5 words, and is a good strap line to have on posters, social media and website advertisements if needed.

After watching my original trailer a few times, I took into consideration the 'horror' side of it more, and realised I needed to have something a bit more thrilling towards the end, as it just seemed to die down straight away, when the end should be the climax and keep people on the edge of their seats. As I hadn't filmed a great deal of my production because it's early days, I had to somehow capture something from the internet and use that instead. I took a snippet of the Sinister trailer, and added this to create more layers and depth to the trailer.

A few minor improvements were made throughout this edit, also. I turned the saturation down to 23 on the clips of the clocks, as it then all seemed to match colours throughout, including the text background at the end, and the snippet I took from Sinister. To add more depth to the text at the end, I took an image I found on Google that was a 'gritty' effect, and took the opacity down on that to make the text stand out, and to have the gritty effect faded in the background.

Trailer sources:
Font - Bank Gothic Lt BT (Windows Premier Pro only)
Static effect video -
Static effect sound -
Demon Girl song -
Gritty texture -
Sinister snippet (incl. sound)-


Teaser poster:

A teaser poster is a perfect way of advertising a film and enhancing the genre and target audience of it. In my eyes, posters are all about layering text, images and textures to coincide with the selected genre and atmosphere of the movie. It's important to give enough information away about the film, but not too much, so it leaves people intrigued about the plot.

My poster included the title of my film, the 4 word tagline and an image of a small girl at the top. I wanted to keep it simple yet effective as when I imagine a horror movie poster, I in-vision something quite dark and mysterious.

In terms of selecting fonts, I wanted to make a clear yet indirect statement about my film. In the short trailer, I used an analogue clock, whereas in the poster, I have used a digital clock-looking font. This way, it suggests that the film will include a number of clocks, that all have an obvious link to the time of 10.39pm.

How I edited it:
1) I created an A4 sized canvas and filled the whole thing in black.
2) I added the same 'gritty texture' as used in my 15 second trailer. (opacity down to 22)
3) I added the 'the clock is ticking' tagline, and put an outer glow on it.
4) I added the 10.39pm text throughout 3 different layers, as the font was quite tricky to size. I added the same outer glow effect to all 3 layers.
5) I placed the young girl in at the top, and took the opacity down so she wasn't as vibrant and noticeable.
6) I added the text at the bottom, which explains the details of the film; like directors and characters.

Poster sources:
Font -
Horror girl -
Gritty texture -




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