Friday 1 May 2015

FMP: 6 Week Preparation (unfinished)

Friday 1 May 2015
(The only reason this blog post still half exists is because I didn't want it to look like I did nothing for the time I was supposed to be preparing for the final major project - click here for the explanation) 

Ideas for my final major project have been running through my mind ever since it was first mentioned at the beginning of the course, in Year 1. From movie trailers to music videos, then back to documentaries; you name it, I've thought about doing it. In terms of enjoyment within the course and what I had the most fun making, it would have to be the music video. Music is literally my life, and to put my creativeness into something I love so much was amazing to do.

I narrowed my ideas down to having just 3, which were completely different from each other. The first was a music video, the second was a short film about a good turn, and the third was a short horror film. I began planning the music video around two of my favourite artists long before we'd even started the Final Major Project talk, because although I wanted and needed the FMP to be my best work, I'd have to have fun doing it otherwise it just wouldn't work.

Here were my 3 inspirations for my FMP plots. An odd mixture, I know, but that's me all over.

Tim McGraw & Faith Hill:
2 country music singers that began blessing my ears late 2012, loved them ever since. I've always wanted to create a music video to one of their songs. Any excuse to listen to them on repeat for 6 weeks, I guess.

Horror movies:
I love the adrenaline. Weird? Little bit. An original short horror film has always been on the cards because I have nightmares a lot, so why not make one a reality...

The Blind Side:
This inspired a short film that would consist of the slogan "one good turn deserves another". The Blind Side is one of my favourite movies of all time. God bless Sandra Bullock, and of course the Touhy family for sharing their story.

Originally, I thought all of these ideas were absolutely 100% possible. Then my world literally shattered when we were told we could only use a song if we had permission directly from the artist or their record label, as this would ensure that when we published the FMP, we'd be legal to use the song for a possibility of making money, as it may lead to securing a job in the future. So there's that, bye-bye music video......

..... Hello short film with the slogan "one good turn deserves another." This would be a 10-ish minute film, filmed predominantly in a pub. It would include one female lead, and one male lead. Sounds pretty simple, but locations caught up on me one day and I wasn't able to score a pub anywhere, so that fell through. Bye-bye short film......

.....Hello short horror. This is 100% possible and I'm SO happy that I'm finally getting on with this properly. Locations for this are sorted, as it's in my friends' house who lives up the road from me. Actors? Easy. 2 of my colleagues in my college class offered their wonderful acting skills. Although the horror was my third choice, I'm happy that I'm doing this, as it gives me a chance to experiment with technology and filming/recording methods that I haven't yet come across. It's a gamble, but I'm going to make it work. Seriously.

Paranormal Activity (inspiration, kind of)

Paranormal Activity is a 2007 American found footage supernatural horror film written, co-produced, photographed, edited and directed by Oren Peli. The film centres on a young couple, Katie and Micah, who are haunted by a supernatural presence in their home. It is presented in the style of "found footage", from cameras set up by the couple in an attempt to document what is haunting them.

As a whole, the film itself isn't the best horror film I've seen. Neither is it the scariest, but the concept of most of the activity happening within the house BECAUSE of a character, not the surrounding environment, is kind of like my short horror. Throughout the film, we see a number of days which are documented by the couple, and the nights are all based around the bedroom. This is how mine will be played out, except for the fact mine will not be in first person. 

Paranormal Activity - Official Trailer (2007)

Throughout the film, we see and hear a number of features that have inspired me to recreate within my short film. The director of the film, Oren Peli, stated in an interview with that "the sound effects used throughout the entire film were shot in his dining room with a standard mic and household objects." Reading this made me realise that if he can do it, then I can too. Household objects can be great for foley work, which I have researched into before, and taken part in recreating a scene with my own sound effects.

The shots within the film are pretty basic as they're all filmed either by a 'hand held' camera, or placed on a mechanism in the bedroom as they sleep. This is not how I want my camera film to be, as it's not the right effect that I'm looking for. I want it to be finished to a professional standard, with the camera work being quirky and focused on sections that I choose.

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