Friday 1 May 2015

FMP: Revamped

Friday 1 May 2015
From short rom-coms to horror films, you name it, I thought about doing it for my final major project. From the beginning of Year 1 I always had my heart set on creating a super cool music video to one of my favourite artists, until the dreams were shattered in around January when we were told we couldn't use copy-righted music without permission from the song writer. This totally threw me into a dead end because I hadn't even begun to think about any alternatives to a music video.

Disclaimer: the reason we weren't allowed to use copy-righted music was because if we were using the FMP to 'sell' ourselves to future employers or universities, then we would technically, in one way or another, be using the song to possibly make money.

When I began creating my final major project the first time, I came up with a plot for a short horror film. which would include myself and colleague Charlie Theron as the two characters. I created a few blog posts on this, and got right up to the point of filming; that's when it all fell apart. I planned it up until the script and shot list. 6 weeks prior to when I was scheduled to film, I fell ill with glandular fever/tonsillitis and was unable to attend college and had absolutely no brain power to do anything. Hence why, when I filmed, I was anxious and didn't really know what I was doing. When it came to editing, I was really disappointed with the quality and felt it looked quite amateur compared to what I should be capable of.

Scrapping the short horror film, I was left with just under a month to come up with a brand new idea that I could plan, film and edit within a short time frame. The only thing possible was a music video. I told myself that it was the easiest way out, it was the only thing remotely possible for me to do given how much time I did/didn't have left. I had a number of ideas running through my head, but credit goes to my Mum for the idea I finally ended up using. Just before Christmas, we had a music video assignment. We had to come up with an idea and create our own individual video, but I decided to collaborate with my colleague Naomi and create Out of the Woods as a duo, this was we would be able to finish it to the highest quality possible.

Blog posts previously created for short horror film:
BTS of The Press Kit for 10.39pm
FMP: 6 Week Preparation (unfinished)

Before this idea, my Mum stumbled across some old footage of me when I was younger and said I should find a song about a young girl growing up and use the archive footage intertwined with a number of studio shots of me singing/miming to the song and create almost a flashback video. I REALLY liked this idea, I mean seriously, it's genius. The only reason I didn't go through with it is because myself and Naomi decided to do a joint video.

Although I said before that we weren't really allowed to create a music video unless we had permission from the singer/song writer, I had no other choice. If it means that I'm no longer available to use my final major project as a platform of my skills to show off to employers, then so be it. It's better than nothing.

SO, in the end, I have decided to recreate Taylor Swift's The Best Day music video, with myself lip syncing to the track in a number of studio shots, and using archive footage, I would intertwine the two together and create a light-hearted music video. You know the sort, easy on the eye and happy to watch. I thought it'd also be a great way to thank my Mum, Dad, Nan and Grandad for all they've done for me over the years.

Stay tuned.

- Olivia

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